Help people travel from the comfort of your own home:
As a Customer Service Representative, you ll be taking calls from Priceline customers. You ll be the face of the brand, communicating with customers via telephone and assisting with hotel, rental car, and flight reservations.
These customers typically call to change travel plans, confirm or obtain their itinerary, request refunds, or report travel issues.
It s remote and flexible.
You ll be taking calls and making money from the comfort of your own home.
Plus, you ll enjoy flexible scheduling, where you use a self-scheduling platform to select when you work and when you don t. You ll have the freedom to schedule around your own needs, the needs of your family, and the important events in your life.
Hours of operation are 8:00 AM to 1:00 AM ET, seven days per week. You ll have the flexibility to set your schedule within those hours of operation.
Essential Functions:
About You:
Prior customer service experience is required. You should possess strong geographical knowledge. Experience working in the travel industry or personal experience using travel products is preferred.
In addition, successful Customer Service Representatives have the following characteristics:
To be a Customer Service Representative, you will need a computer and equipment meeting the following specifications, at a minimum:
NexRep contracts with people in 33 states. The only states we do not currently contract in are: AR, AZ, CA, CO, CT, DC, IL, MA, MD, ME, MO, NJ, NY, OR, RI, VT, WA, and WI. We do not currently contract with anyone outside of the US.
PRICELINE.COM and the PRICELINE.COM LOGO are trademarks owned by LLC and used under license.
Associated topics: agente de servicio al cliente, call center, call center associate, clerk, customer care representative, customer service, product support, service, support, technical assistant
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