backend developer full time senior tech

Job Details

Senior Software Engineer

We are looking for a senior software engineer, preferably proficient in Python and Typescript/Node. This role will involve a number of projects up and down our stack, which we list below.

Backend API

Our high-level goal is to build a device/manufacturer agnostic integration layer that connects to various devices and exposes their functionality through a simple API. This tasks involves integrating underlying protocols (z-wave, zigbee, bacnet, third-party API...etc) and neatly organizing them amongst common functionality. To solve this, we like to think in abstraction layers and lean heavily on the W3C WoT Things Description abstractions. You can also check out our API docs to get a sense.

Client Libraries & External Documentation

We think a lot about how to improve developer experience. To that end, we enjoy crafting client libraries and other utilities that simplify gaining access to devices as well as controlling them without concern for the underlying... complexity. We maintain a corpus of external documentation and enjoy keeping it up to date with each changes we make. We are very grateful for the feedback we also receive via this documentation.

Seam Connect

This is the drop-in UX flow that developers can add to their application. It allows them to request from their users access to their devices (e.g. thermostats). For example, Airbnb can ask their host for access to their smart locks and thermostats. This then enables Airbnb to automate guest access and save energy while the unit is unoccupied.

Seam Hub

Our hardware hub is a "pro" solution that some of our customers use to connect devices to the Seam platform. Many battery powered devices such as door-lock do not connect directly to wi-fi and must instead be bridged. The Seam hub does this. It supports a number of low-power protocols (Z-Wave, Zigbee, Bluetooth...etc), and securely bridges devices to our cloud infra. The Seam hub runs a primary multi-protocol application ("C-3PO"), which itself runs on top of our own custom OS ("Bantha OS").

E2E Testing

As an infrastructure company, we pay close attention to the reliability of our solution. At the same time, we don't want to be burdened by overly zealous manual verification. We thus invest heavily in end-to-end testing that reproduces customer workflows and touches all aspects of our stack. Given the interfacing with real physical device, this is non-trivial to do.

Who We're Looking For

We seek individuals comfortable with these paradigms and who can move up and down our deep stack with ease

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